The Ocoee Spirit
Since 1923, the spirit of YMCA Camp Ocoee has been more than just a summer camp experience. The Christian values learned and the confidences gained by the participants become a way of life. Generations of families now have fond memories of their time at Camp Ocoee. It is a common thread that links thousands across the country and the world.
A Strong Foundation
Operated by the YMCA of Metropolitan Chattanooga. Our Mission is to put Christian principles into practice through programs that build healthy spirit, mind and body for all. Camp Ocoee’s purpose is to provide experiences, under a strong Christian emphasis, that will build character and strengthen the values of caring, honesty, respect, responsibility and faith for all. In addition, the activities are focused on helping to prepare youth for challenges they will face in the future. Through their time at Ocoee, campers take away valuable leadership skills that they will use for the rest of their lives.
Home Away from Home
Nestled on the shores of Lake Ocoee, YMCA Camp Ocoee’s setting is breath-taking. The camp is set deep in the Cherokee National Forest in southeastern Tennessee. Although camp’s setting is rustic, each of our 14 open-air cabins (which sleep 8-12 campers) are cozy and serve as the perfect “home” where campers return to rest, reflect, and chat about their day with cabin mates.
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