The YMCA Adventure Princess Program is made up of Father/Daughter pairs who are grouped into tribes with other Fathers and their Daughters from the surrounding community. These groups seek to develop healthy relationships, gain a sense of belonging, and learn the importance of giving back to the community. We accomplish this through one-on-one interactions, activities with other families, and community service projects. Camp Ocoee plans different activities that help build strong bonds between fathers and daughters. These "Nation Events" include two campouts at YMCA Camp Ocoee, a museum lock-in, a father-daughter dance, a community service project and more. The commitment is small: an event every month or so. The payoff is huge!
Step 1: Join Adventure Princesses
Annual registration is $40 per dad and daughter. Each additional daughter is $10. This unlocks your family membership for September - May.
Welcome email with electronic family orientation info
Access to Adventure Princess events throughout the year
Access to join a local tribe/group, if desired
Bonus: Exclusive membership patch at your first event
Step 2: Register for Nation Events
Each month, the Adventure Princess Program features amazing events for you to connect with your child. These events are what make the program so impactful. From campouts to daddy-daughter dances, or bowling to skating, check out our event calendar!
- October 25th from 6pm-8pm- Bowling at Spare Time in Hixson
- November 9th from 10am-7:30pm- Fall Outing at Camp Ocoee
- January 10th- Aquarium Lock-In
- January 25th- Father Daughter Dance
- March 29th- Volunteer work day at Camp Ocoee
- April 5th- Bike Adventure with Dad
- May 2-4th- Spring Campout
How to Register for Nation Events:
- Log in to your Camp Brain account.
- Under “View My Submitted Applications”, click “View Details” under the 24-25 Adventure Princess Program.
- Click the Plus Sign (“Add people, Sessions, or Options”).
- Register both yourself and your daughter(s) for the program.
Step 3: [Optional] Join a local Group
Adventure Princess tribes or groups are local groups of member families who participate in additional activities together. Local tribes /groups are coordinated by leader volunteers and gather at times and locations that are convenient for most members.
To learn more about the groups in the Upstate that are currently welcoming new members, click the Tribe Listing button below.
To learn more about starting your own tribe, contact us.
If you chose to just join without a group, that's fine too!