Cabin Assignments
Cabin assignments are made on the basis of age and gender. Younger Camp (7-12) will be placed together ,Older Camp (13-16) will be placed together. One of the goals of camp is to encourage new friendships; therefore, we recommend that close friends not always be placed in the same cabin.
Mutual buddy requests from campers are honored for campers within one year of age, same gender, and enrolled in the same program and session; however, older campers will always be placed with the younger cabin. Therefore, both campers must have the other listed as their “Cabin Mate request” on their registration form to ensure the pairing is made.
To ensure the best experience for all campers in the cabin group, we do our best to limit large groups of campers (4 or more) who already know each other from being placed in the same cabin due to the negative affects to the cabin dynamics. We can only honor one mutual and exclusive cabin mate request. We encourage you to coordinate your cabin mate request with the other family in order to ensure a smooth placement, and make sure both campers are registered for the same week. If you have a special situation which you feel should be considered, please call at least two weeks prior to the session.
If your camper is currently 12 but will turn 13 by August 15, 2023 and you would like them to participate in Older Camp, go ahead and register them in younger camp through the online system. Once you have submitted the registration, send an email to campocoee@ymcachattanooga.org with the camper’s full name and address requesting they be moved to Older Camp. If we have available space, we will move them into the Older Camp program.
Please remember that even if two individuals are not in the same cabin, there are many opportunities to spend time together in camp. Campers are not able to request specific counselors or cabins.
Cabin Assignments are made, by hand, two weeks prior to each session and are a careful, hours long process that takes into account a number of different variables.
Call our office at 423-338-5588 to check or adjust a Cabin Mate request.