As programs fill, sessions and electives will move to wait listing campers. Here are a some commonly asked questions about wait listing for a session or elective:
What are the odds of getting off the wait list?
This all depends on how high you are on the wait list and if spaces open in the session or program. When a session is wait listed that means all beds for that program have been sold so someone would need to move or cancel to open a space for your camper.
How will I know if we get off the wait list?
If space opens in wait listed session or elective, we will reach out to you via email to confirm you want that space. We will give you a timeline to respond so if you do not take the space we move to the next on the list.
Can I sign up for a session and wait list for my first choice?
YES, since all sessions fill with wait lists it is important that you get your camper a space before they are gone. If space opens in your fist choice session we can easily move your camper to your first choice.